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9:30 am

Morning Worship

10:45 am — 12:00 pm

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1:30 pm

Evening Service

6:00 pm

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Faith Baptist Church History

In 1963, a small group of families contacted Pastor George Cable to consider beginning a new church in the growing suburban community of Waukesha.  A Biblically-focused, Gospel-preaching church was needed in the community at that time.  Pastor Cable was then serving as the state missions director for the Wisconsin Fellowship of Baptist Churches.  After a few months of planning, Pastor Cable and the small group of believers began services at the Faith Baptist Church in September of 1963.

    That following year in June of 1964, the church called its second pastor, Glen H. Teasdale.  The church rented the Knights of Pythias Hall for their services. That building was located at the corner of Maple Ave. and Carroll St. across from the city library in downtown Waukesha.  After years of renting, the church finally got the opportunity to buy that building.  Though effective in providing for the needs of the congregation at that time, the property was quite small; and any opportunity to expand the building was impossible.

    In the mid-1970s, the Lord burdened the church to begin a Christian school.  God graciously provided a two-room public school building on the west side of town.  The church purchased the over two-acre property on Merrill Hills Road, and after some cleaning and painting, the school began classes in the fall of 1976 with nineteen students.  That building was expanded to its current size in 1982.  Currently, the elementary grades (K-8) have their classes there.

    Through some rather unique circumstances, the Lord allowed the church to move to its present location on the west side of Waukesha in 1988.  The six-acre property one block west of the corner of Hwy 18 and Hwy TT had an existing two-room building that had been used as a daycare center.  When the church moved there in the summer of 1988, they used those two small rooms for services.  The church crowded into those rooms for five seemingly long years until work began on the current building in 1993.  The church addition was completed in April of 1994, and the two-room church was converted into high school classrooms.  The four high school grades currently meet there for classes.

    The Lord allowed Pastor Teasdale to be able to serve as pastor for almost 47 years before his failing health forced him to retire in 2011.  Throughout those years, God blessed the church in countless ways.  Many lives were changed through salvation, and many others were encouraged to grow in their Christian lives.  The Gospel was spread through bus ministries in the early years, through the radio ministry on WVCY for over thirty-five years, and through the personal witness of its members.  The school ministry was established as a grade school, but it was later expanded to include K-12 grades.

    In February of 2012, the church called Pastor Doug Richards to serve as the pastor of the church until the Lord moved him to a different ministry in October of 2013.

    In August of 2017, the church named David Teasdale to serve as the pastor.

    Faith Baptist Church continues to fulfill the purpose for which it was founded fifty years ago.  God’s Word is faithfully preached in each Sunday service.  The Bible is taught and studied in weekly Sunday School classes.  Corporate and personal prayer is offered at weekly Wednesday prayer meetings.  Its people are growing and serving the Lord as He enables them.  Worldwide missions and personal evangelism continue to be the priority to fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20.

    Throughout the years, God’s hand of blessing has been upon this ministry.  All that has been accomplished and will be accomplished in the future is for God’s glory alone.  May the Lord be glorified in His church.